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Official Statement from General Overseer - Sam A Clements Featured

George Floyd with his Bible
George Floyd with his Bible

Over the past week, I have been grieved by the tragic death of George Floyd and the events that have resulted from it. Having recently walked through our own season of loss, Linda and I understand the pain of losing a son.

General Overseer Sam A ClementsMr. Floyd’s death was not only sad, but also inexcusable. His death has once again made us aware of the unhealed wound of racism in North America, and demonstrations around the world remind us that prejudice is not limited to the United States. Scripture instructs us to “mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15 NIV). Scripture also instructs us to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute” (Proverbs 31:8-9 NIV).

I join with the general presbyter of North America in denouncing racism in any form and from any source. Through social media, email, and phone calls, our offices have received messages of prayer and concern from all around the world. As we once again face actions and words that seek to divide us, the Church of God of Prophecy remains committed to the biblical affirmation that every man and woman is made in the image of God. As an all-nations church, let us choose to remain faithful in praying for our leaders and be united in purpose to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the days ahead, my office will prayerfully seek input from an inclusive and diverse group of people to explore how the church can address these issues and become agents of change and reconciliation.

In the meantime, please join with me in praying for the Floyd family, those impacted by violence or persecution around the world, for our law enforcement and first responders, and those serving in positions of influence and responsibility within government.

This article was originally published at the Church of God of Prophecy website

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