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Sunday 5 June 2022

We heard today from our Pastor that we should 'stay focused'.

Matthew 25: 24-28

Romans 15:4

Psalm 73: 1-4

Habakkuk 3: 17-19

The things happening around us can be concerning and worrying. If we dwell on what is happening we can lose our focus.

God's word tells us that what was written aforetime was written for our learning. There are times when confusion sets in but like the psalmist David, let us enquire of God to stay focus.

Matthew 6 says, what does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul. 

God is a faithful God and He will see us through troubled times. Regardless of the daily news, whatever your bank manager or employer may be telling you, let us keep our eyes on Jesus. Do not let the events happening in this world allow us to lose our focus, but maintain our focus by studying God's word. 

God bless.



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